Technical Specifications

Product's functions

  • Used to transport materials in a vertical direction.
  • No dust is generated during operation.

Product's specifications

Model Capacity (ton/hour) Power (HP) Dimension (LxWxH, mm)
GT 150 3 – 4 7m/1Hp As required
GT 220 10 – 12 5m/1Hp
GT 290 20 – 25 3.3m/1Hp
GT 330 25 – 35 2.5m/1Hp
GT 400 40 – 50 2m/1Hp


Product's pictures of operation


Product's advantages

  • Preventing the invasion of inspect
  • To avoid dropping seed
  • Modern technology
  • High durability
  • Easy to operate
  • Electricity saving
  • Improve processing efficiency for the whole system
  • Minimize labor workforce in the processing line