Technical Specifications

Product's functions

The VNT’s mixing weigher 1000 kg/batch is used for:

  • Mixing agricultural products in the form of grain such as coffee, bean, pepper …
  • Able to mix the materials together evenly with a weight of about 1000 kg/batch
  • Able to mix and weigh at the same time, low rate of deviation

Product's working principles

  • Mixing mechanism with two parallel shafts with alternating agitators
  • Using speed-reducer motor and chain transmission


Product's specifications

Model Capacity (tons/hour) Power (HP) Dimension (LxWxH, mm)
MTB – 1000 Kg 1 18.5 2450 x 2275 x 1905


Product's pictures of machine


Product's advantages

  • Modern technology
  • High durability
  • Easy to operate
  • Electricity saving
  • Improve processing efficiency for the whole system
  • Minimize labor workforce in the processing line