Instant Coffee Manufacturing Processes | Soluble Coffee Manufacturing Processes

Instant coffee or soluble coffee’s convenience has skyrocketed its popularity, making it a beverage staple in homes and offices worldwide. While fresh-brewed coffee holds a special place, instant coffee offers a profitable and practical alternative for busy consumers, and its market continues to expand. Understanding the Instant Coffee Manufacturing Process (or Soluble Coffee Manufacturing Process) equips the coffee business owner with valuable insights to broaden your product range or refine your existing offerings to cater to this growing market segment.

History and Advent of Instant Coffee (Soluble Coffee)

Instant coffee, also known as soluble coffee, has a rich history dating back to the late 19th century. It was first patented by Satori Kato, a Japanese scientist, in 1901. Over the decades, advancements in technology have refined the manufacturing process, enhancing both the quality and efficiency of production. Fast forward to today, and advancements in technology have revolutionized the instant coffee manufacturing process. Modern methods, like freeze-drying, allow for the preservation of much more delicate coffee characteristics, resulting in instant coffees that can rival their freshly brewed counterparts. This evolution has transformed instant coffee from a wartime necessity to a convenient and flavorful option for today’s busy consumers.


The Instant Coffee Manufacturing Processes | Soluble Coffee Manufacturing Processes  

Instant Coffee Manufacturing Process

VNT’s Instant Coffee Manufacturing Processes | Soluble Coffee Manufacturing Processes


The instant coffee manufacturing processes or soluble coffee manufacturing processes begins with a crucial step – the roasting process. This stage sets the foundation for the distinct aroma and flavor profiles that coffee enthusiasts around the world have come to love and appreciate. Roasting is an intricate process that requires precise control and expertise to bring out the best in each coffee bean.

During roasting, the green coffee beans are exposed to carefully controlled temperatures, typically ranging from 200°C to 230°C (392°F to 446°F). At these high temperatures, a complex series of chemical reactions known as the Maillard reaction and caramelization take place within the beans.

These reactions are responsible for the rich, roasted flavors and enticing aromas that coffee lovers crave. The Maillard reaction, in particular, contributes to the development of hundreds of unique flavor compounds, while caramelization adds notes of sweetness and depth to the overall flavor profile. It is this delicate balance of reactions that transforms the humble green coffee bean into a fragrant and flavorful roasted delight, setting the stage for the subsequent steps in the instant coffee manufacturing process.

Explore more: Essential Coffee Roaster Equipment: A Comprehensive Guide


Once the roasting process is complete and the beans have cooled, the next step in the instant or soluble coffee manufacturing processes is grinding. This seemingly simple action plays a crucial role in preparing the roasted beans for the subsequent extraction phase.

During grinding, the roasted coffee beans are transformed into a fine powder, significantly increasing their surface area. This increased surface area facilitates efficient extraction, allowing the hot water or steam to penetrate the coffee particles more effectively and extract the desired compounds and flavors. However, the grinding process also impacts the aroma and moisture absorption characteristics of the final instant coffee product. The finer the grind, the more aroma compounds are released, contributing to the rich, inviting scent we associate with freshly brewed coffee. Additionally, the particle size influences the rate at which the instant coffee powder absorbs moisture, affecting its shelf life and overall quality.

Explore more: How to Choose the Best Industrial Coffee Grinder for Small to Medium Coffee Shops and Coffee Plants


At the heart of the instant coffee manufacturing process lies the extraction step, a critical phase that determines the very essence of the final product. During this stage, the ground coffee powder is subjected to hot water or steam, which facilitates the extraction of the essential compounds and flavors that give coffee its distinct character.

The extraction process typically occurs at high temperatures and pressures, ensuring maximum efficiency in drawing out the desired compounds from the coffee particles. Precise control over these parameters is crucial, as even slight variations can significantly impact the flavor profile of the resulting extract.

Once extracted, the coffee solution is passed through a series of meticulously designed cold and hot cells. These specialized cells play a vital role in capturing and concentrating the desired compounds while removing unwanted impurities. This intricate process ensures that the final product retains the rich, complex flavors and aromas associated with freshly brewed coffee, while eliminating any undesirable elements that could compromise the taste or quality.

Our proprietary Instant Coffee Extraction System is designed to maximize the extraction of essential compounds and flavors from freshly brewed coffee beans, ensuring that the final product retains the iconic coffee taste and aroma.

VNT's Instant Coffee Extraction System

VNT’s Instant Coffee Extraction System

Optimize Your Extraction: Explore VNT’s Instant Coffee Extraction System.


Once the extraction process is complete, the resulting coffee solution undergoes a crucial concentration phase. This step aims to increase the density of the extracted compounds and flavors, laying the groundwork for the final dehydration stage. Various methods are employed to achieve this concentration, each with its own unique advantages and applications.

Among the most common techniques are vacuum evaporation, centrifugation, and freeze concentration. Vacuum evaporation involves boiling the coffee solution under reduced pressure, allowing the water to evaporate while retaining the desired solids. Centrifugation, on the other hand, relies on centrifugal force to separate the solids from the liquid, concentrating the coffee extract. Freeze concentration is a gentler process that involves freezing the solution, causing the water to crystallize and separate from the concentrated solids. Regardless of the method employed, the goal is to achieve a concentration of approximately 40% solids in the coffee solution, ensuring optimal flavor intensity and preservation in the final instant coffee product.

VNT's Instant Coffee Evaporation System

VNT’s Instant Coffee Evaporation System

Maximize Efficiency: Explore VNT’s Instant Coffee Evaporation System

During concentration, preserving the volatile aroma compounds is critical. Our aroma recovery system captures and preserves these compounds, ensuring that the iconic coffee aroma is retained in the final product.

VNT's Instant Coffee Aroma Recovery System

VNT’s Instant Coffee Aroma Recovery System

Preserve the Perfect Aroma: Explore VNT’s Instant Coffee Aroma Recovery System


The concentrated coffee extract is then converted into a dry form through dehydration methods such as freeze-drying and spray-drying.

  • Freeze-drying involves freezing the coffee extract and then reducing the surrounding pressure to allow the frozen water to sublimate directly from the solid to the gas phase. This method preserves the coffee’s flavor and retains volatile compounds, resulting in a high-quality product.
  • Spray-drying, on the other hand, involves spraying the coffee extract into a stream of hot air, rapidly transforming it into fine, soluble coffee powder particles. This method is quicker and produces a product with consistent flavor and powder consistency.
VNT's Instant Coffee Spray Dryer

VNT’s Instant Coffee Spray Dryer

Unlock Consistent Quality: Explore VNT’s Instant Coffee Spray Dryer Technology

Packaging and Quality Control

Once dehydrated, the instant coffee is ready for packaging. Proper packaging ensures the product’s shelf life and maintains its quality. Quality control measures are implemented throughout the manufacturing process to ensure consistency, flavor, and safety of the final product.

Global Market Overview

The global market for instant coffee is vast and varied, with numerous brands competing for market share. Popular brands include Nescafé, Folgers, and Maxwell House, each offering a range of products to cater to different tastes and preferences. Understanding global consumption trends and preferences can help business owners position their products effectively in the market.

Contact our experts today to elevate your business instant coffee manufacturing process


The instant coffee manufacturing processes or soluble coffee manufacturing processes is a complex and intricate one, involving multiple steps to ensure the final product is both convenient and flavorful. For coffee business owners, understanding this process can provide valuable insights into the quality and efficiency of their production methods. By leveraging advanced technologies and systems, such as our Instant Coffee Extraction System, Aroma Recovery System, Evaporation System, and Spray Dryer Technology, businesses can produce high-quality instant coffee that meets consumer demands while preserving the essence of traditional coffee.